Category: Tone2

Tone2 Gladiator

Gladiator 3 Expanded
One of the most successful software synthesizers

Gladiator 3 opens the doors to a new sound generation. The unique synthesis technology “HCM” opens up comprehensive listening experiences, its design and the incomparable sound variety make Gladiator not only a great instrument, but also a must-have synthesizer for anyone looking for the ultimate creative tool.

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Tone2 Icarus

Why musicians should know about Icarus

Icarus is an exceptionally powerful, new synthesizer with ‘3D wavetable synthesis’. It offers a fresh signature sound, which quickly catches your audiences’ attention. The innovative resynthesis can rebuild any sound with a mouse-click. An easy to use interface and a massive amount of inspiring factory sounds allow you to create professional tracks rapidly and with very low effort.

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Tone2 Electra

The only synth you need to create a hit!

Electra – the successor of the well known ElectraX – breathes new life into the term “synthesizer workstation”. With its powerful and sonically versatile approach to audio production, it provides you with truly outstanding new sounds. Electra2.5 is ready for any type of music you play!

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Tone2 Nemesis

The next step in FM Synthesis!

Nemesis takes FM synthesis to its next evolutionary step: NeoFM synthesis.  NeoFM is an exclusive new and improved approach to FM synthesis that is extremely powerful and intuitive.

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Tone2 RayBlaster

RayBlaster2 –  a radically new form of synthesis!

Impulse Modelling Synthesis (IMS) is far more than a marketing buzzword – it is a radically new and different approach for sound generation, which is based on the latest research in psychoacoustics. Because of its innovative synthesis method, RayBlaster2 offers a wide range of very unique sounds, which can’t be created by other synthesizers.

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Tone2 Saurus

True analog sound with state of the art features

Saurus 2.5 brings the highly regarded analog sound from the past into the unlimited digital realm, fusing them together with a user interface that invites to tweak and a multitude of unique sound sculpting tools exclusive to Saurus. All without placing heavy demands on your CPU or budget.

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